<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Hiking Trail Sign installed in Campus 86 signs for 7 courses, guide for hiking trails, distance, time needed, etc [2008-10-10] <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_05353281996987359 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2008-12-05_17-46-01_366.jpg\" target=_blank> “Our family comes out to Yeungnam University on weekends, but even though we want to take the kids and walk a little, we\'re not sure how far and how long it will take so we just give up. But now, we can choose a course that we want.\" Son Dae Hyung (36, Bujeok-ri, Abnyang-myeon) lives near Yeungnam University and is happy to see signs installed around the campus. He, his wife and his four year old daughter can easily choose a hiking course to fully appreciate the autumn season. Yeungnam University (president Tong-Ki Woo) installed a total of 86 signs for seven hiking courses around campus. Each sign shows the entire hiking course together with maps, pictures, total distance, distance by interval and time required while walking. For this project, employees from the facilities administration office walked along the seven courses repeatedly last summer break. While walking they took pictures of the surrounding scenery and also made accurate measurements of distance and time required. The course names suggest the scenery. Courses include \'Love Road\' (1.5km) for loving couples and families, \'Folk Village\' (0.7km) course where hikers can take a look at the lifestyles of our ancestors in the past, \'Forest Love\' I (3.1km) and II (6.5km) course where you can get a taste of the refreshing feel of forests, \'Samcheonji\' (3.6km) where you can view the magnificent sceneries of lotus flowers in the summer, \'Pond\' (1.8km) course where you can relax and enjoy at the pond under the shades of weeping willows, as well as the \'Cheonmaro\' (2.5km) course where you can walk along the artery of Yeungnam University. Yoon Joo-il (54), manager of the facility administration office campus management team stated that his team walked each course at least 10 times and installed signs for the trails in order to share the beautiful natural environment of the campus with visitors and the community. He also added that simple exercise machines were installed along the trail for anyone to use. <See related article> @Donga Ilbo (2008-10-13) http://www.donga.com/fbin/output?n=200810130216
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> “More need to find the roots of design as we become more globalized…” Invited by School of Design, Special Seminar at the Yeungnam University Museum Auditorium on the 8th at 10am [2008-10-7] <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_0241869968332538 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2008-12-02_09-31-30_365.jpg\" target=_blank> “As we enter an information society, the importance of design is growing every day. In particular, due to the rising importance of contents linked with industries, design has become a key element in national competitiveness and it also acts as an index that shows the society\'s cultural level. Furthermore, it is at the forefront of globalization. However, the more we become globalized, the more it is important to have designs rooted in history and tradition and design that has a cultural identity to become competitive. Therefore, designers must not forget that they are masters of finding their unique cultures and roots, which are then visualized by the designer. Wu Guan-ying (吳冠英, 53, photo), who is the designer of the Beijing Olympics mascot and a professor at the Tsinghua University Art School, visited Yeungnam University on the 7th. Wu visited Yeungnam University at the request of the Yeungnam University School of Design (dean Kim Hae-tae) to speak at the University Museum auditorium on the 8th at 10am. Wu played a central role in upgrading Chinese culture and design through the Olympics. While preparing for the lecture, Wu spoke about the many trial and errors, and what Wu learned while designing the Beijing Olympic mascot. Wu stated, \"I cannot even begin to count how many pictures I drew since April of 2004. I did thousands of rough drawings and thousands of touch-ups. In result, I was able to introduce the official mascot, Fuwa and the mascot of the Paralympics, Funiu, to the world on November 11, 2005, 1,000 days before the olympics. Wu emphasized that the most energy spent while designing the mascots was \'globalization of something Chinese\'. According to Wu, \'Puwa\', which means \'five blessings are coming\', originated from the old Chinese belief of the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth). This symbolizes the traditional culture of China, while at the same time symbolizing the Olympic spirit through the harmony of the Olympic rings with numbers and colors. Wu explains that Fuwa was a recreation of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization in a modern design. Funiu, the mascot of the Paralympics, also symbolizes the auspicious signs culture of China. To the Chinese, the ox is an animal that symbolizes blessing, happiness and health. Kim Hae-tae, dean of the Yeungnam University Design Department stated, \"It has only been 30 years since China began to make modern designs, but they are developing at a frightening speed. In a time where culture is more important than ever, China is developing their traditions into various contents, which we should pay careful attention to.\" Wu is currently preparing an animation work for children. The subject of the animation is a Chinese legend. He again emphasized, \"I once again realized how important it is to be a bit stubborn about our own character during the production process,\" and added \"rather than just moving a tradition from one place to another, designers of today must find the meanings inside of unique cultures and fill it with our sentiments and spirit.\"
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> 50 projects selected from 355 applicants Research on Vascular Cell Aging, Only among MEST funded \'Basic Medical Science Research Center\' research achievements [2008-9-29] \"Why are there more vascular diseases as we age?\" \"What methods are there to keep our arteries healthy from our 20s to our 80s?\" Kim Jae-ryong (47, Biochemical Molecular Biology, photo), professor at Yeungnam University, who is currently conducting basic studies on vascular aging solely in the nation, was selected in the MEST R&D project \'Best 50\'. The Korea Science and Engineering Foundation announced the \'2008 Best 50 Research Achievements for the MEST R&D Project\'. This is for systematically administering outstanding research accomplishments among national R&D projects, while at the same time promoting the national interest and understanding of it. For this, the foundation sought after potential candidates until February for basic science research projects, future source technology development projects, space development projects and nuclear energy R&D projects. Of 335 research applicants, a total of 50 were selected after stringent screening and verification procedures. According to this, Professor Kim was selected in the final 50 for the research accomplishments of \'vascular cell aging by combined proteins for insulin protons\'. It was the only applicant selected for the accomplishments of MRC (Medical science and engineering Research Center) supported projects. There were a total of 17 screened for this among MRC supported projects. Kim claims that \"People age as their arteries age.\" He also adds, \"The number one cause for deaths among the senior population over 65 in Korea is senior vascular diseases such as stroke, arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Thus, taking into consideration the speed of our nation\'s aging population, it will be much more effective to increase the life span by promoting healthy aging, rather than treating the ill.\" He also stated, \"the final objective of this research is to define the cause and effects of vascular aging and to develop technologies and medicine to suppress aging so that we can keep our healthy arteries from our 20s until our 80s.\" Professor Kim is currently in charge of the \'Aging-associated Vascular Disease Research Center(AVDRC)\'. This center is the first and only nationally funded research center that studies old-age vascular diseases. It was selected as an MRC by MEST and the Korea Sicence and Engineering Foundation in June 2005. After opening its doors in March, 2006, it defined the effects of aging on vascular diseases such as high-blood pressure and arteriosclerosis at a cellular and molecular level. It is currently pursuing new technology developments for anti-vascular aging. Approximately 19 billion won will be funded for this project until June 2014.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\">Rising as powerful group for the 17th National Assembly [weekly Gyeonghyang]2008-9-25 http://weekly.khan.co.kr/khnm.html?mode=view&code=113&artid=18398&pt=nv <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_05814967346410736 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2008-11-24_10-36-24_343.jpg\" target=_blank> With the dawn of the MB (Myeong-bak) administration, Yeungnam University is on the rise. Alumni from the 1970s are on the rise in the government. Photo of Yeungnam University campus. \"Yeungnam\'\'s Force that Moves Korea!\" The above is the slogan that Yeungnam University posted on newspapers around the nation after the National Assembly elections in April. In the 18th National Assembly elections held on April 9, 17 alumni of Yeungnam University were voted into office. 15 regional assemblymen and 2 proportional representation were sworn in, becoming one of the universities that graduated the most National Assembly persons together with Sungkyungkwan University (17), following Seoul National University (111) and Yonsei and Korea University (25). It is the highest among provincial universities. When examining the 18 Assembly persons from Yeungnam University, there are Jeon Jae-hee, who was appointed as Minister of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs last July (Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi, Grand National Party) and Kim Seong-jo (Gumi, Gyeongbuk, Grand National Party), as well as Kim Kwang-lim, who was the vice-minister of the Ministry of Finance and Economy and was appointed as an independent party for Andong in Gyeongbuk (later joined the Grand National Party). In addition, Lee Myeong-gyu was re-elected (North Daegu, Grand National Party) and Chu Ho-yeong (Suseong, Daegu, Grand National Party), who was the spokesperson for Lee Myeong-bak, was elected into the National Assembly. Park Bo-hwan (Hwaseong, Gyeonggi, Grand National Party) and Jeon Hye-sook (Democratic Party), who was appointed as a proportional representative are also alumni of Yeungnam University. Furthermore, Kim Tae-hwan (Gumi, independent later joined Grand National Party), Jeong Hee-soo (Yeongcheon, Grand National Party), Lee In-gi (Goryeong Seongju Chilgok, independent later joined Grand National Party), Lee Cheol-woo (Kimcheon, Grand National Party), Choi Gyeong-hwan (Cheongdo, Gyeongsan, Grand National Party), Yoo Seung-min (East Daegu, Grand National Party), Seo Gab-weon (Suncheon, Democratic Party) and Song Yeong-seon (Pro-Park Alliance), appointed as a proportional representative, graduated from the Graduate School of Business Administration. Chu Seong-yeong (East Daegu, Grand National Party) and Cho Weon-jin (Dalseo, Daegu, Pro-Park Alliance and later joined Grand National Party) graduated from the Graduate School of Public Administration. In the 17th National Assembly Election in 2004, a total of 10 alumni, including five from undergraduate school, were elected into the National Assembly. Rising politicians from Yeungnam University since the Lee Myeong-bak administration include Jeon Jae-hee, Minister of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, and Chu Ho-seong. Minister Jeon passed the 13th national public administration examination and after becoming a public employee worked at the Ministry of Labor as the director for labor insurance and director for occupational training. From 1994 to 1998, she was in office as mayor of Gwangmyeong in Gyeonggi. She worked as a committee person for the Health and Welfare Committee as a member of the 16th~18th National Assembly for Gwangmyeong. She was the first woman to pass the national public administration examination (13th) and was the first government-appointed and publicly appointed mayor as well. 17 in the National Assembly becoming a powerful group in politics <DIV style=\"FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 350px; HEIGHT: 361px\"> Kim Weon-il, Kim Jae-bak, Park Gyeong-cheol, Woo Tong-ki, Seol Do-yun, Park Seok-hwee (clockwise from the left) Chu Ho-young should also be noted. Assemblyman Chu is a Buddhist that President Lee sought after and was the secretary general and spokesperson for the president. Chu completed his undergraduate, masters and PhD at Yeungnam University and using his quick judgment and balancing skills from his experience as a judge, together with his insight of Buddhism, he has established a social network with the Buddhist sector and has a comfortable relationship with all the high-priests across the nation. In the year of his graduation from college, he passed his judicial examination and is the 24th judicial examination colleague together with Hong Jun-pyo, Lee In-gi and Eom Ho-seong of the Grand National Party and former assemblyman Shin Gi-nam and Lee Sang-yeol and Chu Mi-ae of the Democratic Party. Aside from elections, Yeungnam University alumni are showing their colors in government, finance, academics and the press with the dawn of the Lee Myeong-bak administration. In Lee\'\'s first cabinet, Kim Jang-sil was appointed as the first vice-minister of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kim Jong-shin was appointed as an auditing commissioner of the Board of Audit and Lee Chang-hwan was appointed as the president of the Audit and Inspection Training Institute. Kim Jang-shil, first vice-minister of the MCST, was born in Namhae in Gyeongnam and passed the 23rd public administration examination and then began his political career as a public administration agent for the Ministry of Culture and PR. He then worked as a secretary for the president (state affairs), vice commissioner for the presidential secretary (state affairs 1) and then went on as a PR director for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, director of arts for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, secretary-general of the Korea National University of Arts, Office for Government Policy Coordination Education and Culture screening director and chief of religious affairs for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. He has worked at the Cheongwadae for many years and has a strong social network in politics. Furthermore, Yeungnam University alumni also entered the Cheongwadae. Kim Myeong-sik is directly under the office of the president as the secretary for HR and Song Jong-ho is under the office of economy as the secretary for small and medium businesses. Two is not a small number even for Seoul National University or Korea University. Secretary Kim is from the class of 76 at the Yeungnam University School of Management and has worked as the HR policy director for the Civil Service Commission, while Secretary Song is from the class of 75 at the Yeungnam University Department of Electrical Engineering and has worked as the regional director of venture businesses for the Small and Medium Business Administration. <DIV style=\"FLOAT: right; WIDTH: 350px; HEIGHT: 362px\"> Kim Myeong-sik, Kim Seong-jo, Kim Jang-shil, Chu Ho-young, Jeon Jae-hee, Song Jong-ho (clockwise from the left) Another notable person is Kim Seok-gi, director of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency. He was the 27th candidate for police executives and he has worked as a consul at the Osaka consulate general, chief at the Suseo police station, embassy in Japan, director for police affairs at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, director for police affair planning at SMPA, director of the Daegu Police Agency and director of the Gyeongbuk provincial police agency. He is also the creator of the Korean police mascot, \'\'Podoli\'\'. Yeungnam University has a strong network with the police and has already graduated four directors for the police agency. Choi Gi-mun, Lee In-seob and Han Jin-hee were all directors for SMPA and currently, Kim Seok-gi is also a graduate from the Yeungnam University Department of Public Administration. Han Jin-hee, who was replaced by Eo Cheong-su, is currently working as the dean of the Korea National Police University. In addition, Kim In-jong, director of security for the president, Lee Hyeon-dong, newly appointed investigation director for the National Tax Service, Sohn Byeong-jo, newly appointed vice-director of the National Tax Service, Baek Woon-hyeon, chief of planning and mediation of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Kim Jong-shin auditing commissioner and Jeong Jang-sik, director of the Central Officials Training Institute are all alumni of Yeungnam University. In the legal sector, Lee Byeong-hoo, former judge of the Supreme Court, is the most well known. He was also the supreme judge for the Incheon court and also worked as a Constitution committee man. Lee Min-soo, former supreme judge of the Busan court also worked as the head judge for the Cheongju court, Busan court and Daegu court, while Bae Gi-weon, judge of the Supreme Court was the only person to be a graduate from a provincial university. Of level 1~3 high-ranking public officials submitted by the Civil Service Commission last year, there were 1,265 high-ranking officials that graduated from a university. Of these, 307 (24.3%) were from Seoul National University, followed by Korea University, Yonsei University, and Yeungnam University placed 9th with 36. There were also 4 Yeungnam University alumni during the Noh Moo-hyeon administration, making it number 1 among provincial private universities. Active entry into public corporations and government with the MB administration Coming into the MB administration, there has been an active entry into public corporations among Yeungnam University alumni. Lee Su-hwa, former vice-president of Citibank Korea became the president of the Korea Securities Depository, Cho Hyeon-yong, former vice executive officer of the Korea Railroad Corporation became the CEO of the Korea Rail Network Authority, Park Young-su, former vice-president of the Korea Tourism Organization became the first president of the Jeju Tourism Organization, and there are also Eom Woo-hong, CEO of the Korea National Park Service and Yang Yong-woon, CEO of the Environment Management Corporation. <DIV style=\"WIDTH: 400px; HEIGHT: 170px\"><A class=imageUtil id=thumb_06788468632726352 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2008-11-24_10-51-16_350.jpg\" target=_blank> Jang Byeong-jo, Lee Dong-geol, Lee Seung-han, Lee Chae-wook (from the left) Even since the Noh administration, public employees from Yeungnam University were very active in the government. Kim Byeong-joon, who was the committee chairman of the Presidential Committee on Government Innovation & Decentralization and policy director of the presidential secretary office, as well as the minister of MEST, also was the committee chairman of the presidential advisory policy planning committee and the presidential policy special aide, who is now a professor at Kukmin University, and Kwak Gyeol-ho, who was the Minister of Environment and former president of the Korea Water Resources Corporation also graduated from Yeungnam University. In addition, Kim Jo-weon, former secretary general of the Board of Audit and Inspection and Kim Gwang-lim, former vice-minister of the Ministry of Finance and Economics, and current National Assembly person for the Grand National Party, Choi Gyeong-soo, who worked as the vice-director for national affairs and mediation policies, Jeong Gang-jeong, former head secretary for the prime minister and current director of the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, as well as Choi Gi-mun, former director of the police agency graduated from Yeungnam University. In the finance sector, Lee Dong-geol, president of Good Morning Shinhan Securities, Cho Jae-hong, president of Dongbu Life, Lee Seung-han president of Samsung Tesco Homeplus, Jang Byeong-jo, vice-president of Samsung Electronics and Park Oh-gyu, vice-president of Samsung Total are some notable figures. Lee Dong-geol, a genuine banker, took the reigns of Good Morning Shinhan Securities from 2007 and worked as an investment banker making it one of the top-notch investment banks. He is said to have perfected the fusion of the merger that occurred five years ago between Good Morning Securities and Shinhan Securities. Cho Jae-hong, president of Dongbu Life, was born in Daegu and attended Kyungpook National University high school and went on to Yeungnam University college of law. After entering Samsung Life, he gained experiences in sales, HR and customer support and after becoming president of Dongbu Life in July 2006, he raised Dongbu Life\'\'s status in the finance sector. Jang Byeong-jo, who became vice president of Samsung Electronics last June, is known to be the field-director of Samsung\'\'s \'\'Anycall Miracle\'\'. He entered Samsung Electronics in 1980 and worked for 27 years in the Gumi plant and was a pivotal part in achieving the Anycall Miracle. He graduated from Daegu High School and Yeungnam University. There is an especially high number of executives among Yeungnam University alumni in Hyundai Heavy Industries, KEPCO and Samsung Life Insurance. In the case of Hyundai Heavy Industries, 17 of 200 executives are from Yeungnam, while 11.1% of KEPCO executives are from Yeungnam University following only Korea University (22.2%) and Seoul National University (16.7%). For Samsung Life Insurance, Yeungnam University tied for second with 9.1% with Korea University, following Seoul National University. “Yeungnam University is key to success in Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions” <DIV style=\"FLOAT: right; WIDTH: 350px; HEIGHT: 362px\"> Kang In-gil, Kim Gwan-yong, Kim Seok-gi, Lee Soo-hwa, Park Young-soo, Kim In-jong (clockwise from left) When examining the majors of elites from Yeungnam University, college of law and college of commerce is the most noticeable. Kang Byeong-hee, secretary general of the Yeungnam University Alumni Association, explained, \"During Park Jung-hee\'\'s administration, there were policies enacted in the 1960s and 70s making us have several departments that were in the top 5 in Korea.\" He added, \"Law, Public Administration, Management, Economics and Trade were strong, while the Pharmacy, Civil engineering, architecture and Chemical Engineering were also one of the strongest in the nation.\" It is assumed that many talented students in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk areas who could not get into SKY universities in Seoul would rather go to a prominent private school in the area. In addition, unlike Kyungpook University where only a small number of students could enroll in popular departments, Yeungnam University had night classes as well, making it easy for talented students to attend this school. However, after 1990, it became difficult for Yeungnam University to attract talented students. As college entrance depended solely on college entrance exams, talented students were filtered into universities in the Seoul area, and Yeungnam began to fall behind even against Kyungpook University. Kang also said, \"because many passed the national public administration examinations, we had the highest number of high-ranking officials among provincial universities up until 2005, but there has been a falling number of students passing the national public administration exam and judicial exam.\" He also added, \"However, they are becoming stronger in election and appointed positions in government such as in the National Assembly, and thus, there is now a saying that \'\'in order to do politics in Daegu, you need to have a Yeungnam University AMP (highest course for graduate school of management)\'\'.\" In the Daegu and Gyeongbuk areas, Kim Kwan-yong, the current governor of Gyeongsangbuk-do, is a Yeungnam University alumni. Governor Kim, who majored in economics, received his masters degree in public administration at the Yeungnam University Graduate School of Public Administration. Being born into a poor farming family in Gumi, Gyeongbuk, he graduated from elementary school and went to Daegu Normal School and began working as an instructor from the age of 19. He taught during the day and at night he went to college and graduated from Yeungnam University. He is currently the chairman of the Yeungnam University Alumni Association. For self governing organizations, there are Gang In-gil, Busan Gangseo-gu office director, Lim Byeong-heon Daegu Nam-gu office director, Lee Jae-man Daegu Dong-gu office director, Choi Byeong-guk mayor of Gyeongsan and Shin Hyeon-guk mayor of Mungyeong. Jeong Han-tae, former governor of Cheongdo who lost the election due to a lobbying scandal, is also from Yeungnam University, while Lee Ui-geung, former governor of Gyeongbuk, who is now the president of Daeshin University and the chairman of the National Council of the Saemaul Movement, is also from Yeungnam University. A unique figure is Park Gyeong-cheol, also known as the \'\'rural doctor\'\', who appeared as a public screening committee person for the Democratic Party. Being from the class of 83 in the College of Medicine, he runs his clinic in Andong, Gyeongbuk and is also a best-seller author of \'\'Rich Economics for a Rural Doctor\'\', as well as an expert in stock investments, hosting his own investment show. He is also a columnist that writes for many different papers including our own. Some other notable figures are novelist Kim Weon-il, poet Seo Jeong-yun who wrote \'\'Standing Alone\'\', Seol Do-yun CEO of Seol & Company which is a musical company, Kim Jae-bak head coach of the LG Twins baseball team, Yang Jun-hyeok Samsung Lions baseball player and Lee Su-ho, head committee person of the Democractic Labor Party. Celebrating its 60th anniversary last year, Yeungnam University was selected for law schools together only with Kyungpook University in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk areas. One Assembly person who is in the 18th National Assembly stated, \"Though there is a difference in numbers alone, Yeungnam University is working as the third power following Korea University and Seoul National University in the MB Administration.\" <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_0945054790280889 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2008-11-24_10-54-52_352.jpg\" target=_blank>
Yeungnam University 52, Seoul National University 11, Kyungpook National University 4 Shows the level of global education environment [2008-9-18] Yeungnam University (president Tong-Ki Woo) has the most foreigner instructors in the region and is 11th in the nation. This is considerably meaningful in the fact that it acts as an index for the level of ''global education environment''. According to the University News Network on the 16th, Assemblyman Cho Jeon-hyeok (Grand National Party), member of the Education, Science and Technology Council after analyzed MEST National Assembly inspection and results showed that Hongik University had the most foreign faculty with 177 from a total of 122 4-year national, public and private universities with over 100 professors as of April 1, 2008. Next was Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (129), Korea University (109), Hanyang University (105) and Yensei University (88). Excluding Dongseo University (60) and Pusan University of Foreign Studies (59), the top 10 were all in the Seoul area. Yeungnam University has 52 foreign language professors making it 11th in the nation and 1st in the region. Meanwhile, Seoul National University had only 11 foreign professors ranking it 60th in the nation, while other major universities in the Seoul area such as Seogang University (8), Ewha Woman''s University(49) and Chungang University (38) all had less foreign professors than Yeungnam University. Kyungpook National University only had 4 foreign professors placing it 89th and Kyungil University had 33 placing it 27th in the nation. Results of this analysis showed that the average ratio of foreign professors in domestic universities to be at 4.7%. There were 17 universities of the 122 examined that had no foreign professors, while national and public universities relatively lacked foreign faculty compared to private universities. When asked about these results, Bae Cheol-ho (47, school of Mechanical Engineering), planning manager at Yeungnam University, stated "It has already been a long time since global education has been a hot issue in colleges. However, we should take another look at whether the colleges have established a global education environment." He also added, "procuring foreign professors can prevent our talented students from going abroad and attract students from other countries such as in Southeast Asia, making it very important for colleges to increase their competitiveness." <Chart 1> Number of foreign professors in 4-year colleges in Korea Rank College No. of Faculty (full-time professors) Foreigners (person) Total (persons) Foreign professor (%) 1 Hongik Univ. 177 648 26.0 2 Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies 129 532 24.2 3 Korea Univ. 109 1,466 7.4 4 Hanyang Univ. 105 1,183 8.9 5 Yonsei Univ. 88 1,798 4.9 6 Kyunghee Univ. 81 1,214 6.7 7 Sungkyunkwan Univ. 81 1,138 7.1 8 Inha Univ. 63 773 8.2 9 Dongseo Univ. 60 303 19.8 10 Pusan Univ. of Foreign Studies 59 229 25.8 11 Dongguk Univ. 52 918 5.7 Yeungnam Univ. 52 754 6.9 13 Univ. of Suwon 50 284 17.6 Soonchunhyang Univ. 50 681 7.3 15 Ewha Womans Univ. 49 893 5.5 16 Chosun Univ. 46 483 6.0 17 Seokyeong Univ. 42 180 23.3 18 Silla Univ. 40 285 14.0 19 Paichai Univ. 39 279 14.0 Sookmyung Women''s Univ. 39 388 10.1 21 Cheongju Univ. 38 381 10.0 22 Chungang Univ.(Seoul) 37 907 4.1 23 Korea Nazarene Univ. 36 154 23.4 Myongji Univ. 36 441 8.2 Soongsil Univ. 36 398 9.0 26 Konkuk Univ. 35 935 3.7 27 Kangnam Univ. 33 204 16.2 27 Kyungil Univ. 33 193 17.1 29 Hallym Univ. 32 785 4.1 30 Sejong Univ. 30 362 8.3 30 Hoseo Univ. 30 409 7.3 35 Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology 25 237 10.5 36 Kookmin Univ. 24 458 5.2 41 Univ. of Ulsan 22 955 2.3 49 Kyungnam Univ. 18 329 5.5 54 Sunmoon Univ. 15 247 6.1 60 Seoul National Univ. 11 1,752 0.6 67 Ajou Univ. 9 483 1.6 71 Sogang Univ. 8 355 2.3 89 Kyungpook National Univ. 4 1,106 0.4 90 Pusan National Univ. 4 1,112 0.4 93 Dankook Univ. 4 728 0.5 101 Gachon Univ. of Medicine and Science 3 289 1.0 104 Dong-a Univ. 3 581 0.5 121 Kongju National Univ. 1 526 0.2 123 Chungnam National Univ. 1 868 0.1 126 Univ. of Incheon 1 253 0.4 127 Catholic Univ. of Korea 1 1,106 0.1 *As of: April 1, 2008 *No. of faculty includes full-time instructors in undergraduate and graduate schools *No. of faculty includes president, professors, assistant professors, associate professors, full-time instructors. ※Source: Cho Jeon-hyeok Grand National Party office
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Hyundai Heavy Industries executives made up of 14% from Seoul National University, 12.5% from Pusan National University and 8.5% from Yeungnam University Many executives in KEPCO and Samsung Life Insurance as well [2008-9-11] Yeungnam University alumni have been reported to work as executives in many large conglomerates in Korea such as Hyundai Heavy Industries, KEPCO, Samsung Life Insurance, etc. According to JobKorea, an online recruiting company (www.jobkorea.co.kr), data submitted by the top 30 companies in their 2008 quarterly report to the Financial Supervisory Service showed that Yeungnam University alumni was third in the 200 executives at Hyundai Heavy Industries. 8.5% (17) of Hyundai Heavy Industries executives were students at Yeungnam University, which was third only after Seoul National University at 14% (28) and Pusan National University at 12.5% (25). Following Yeungnam University was Hanyang University at 7.5% (15) and Ulsan University at 7% (14). Yeungnam University alumni also took up 11.1% at KEPCO executives, following Korea University (22.2%) and Seoul National University (16.7%). Following was Yonsei, Sungkyunkwan, Kyungpook and Konkuk University (each at 5.6%). For executives at Samsung Life Insurance, Yeungnam was tied for third with Korea University at 9.1%, following alumni from foreign universities (22.1%) and Seoul National University (16.9%). Following Yeungnam was Yonsei University and other 4-year universities in Korea at 6.5%. JobKorea analyzed the results of the education for 1,849 executives at the top 30 revenue companies in Korea, which showed that the highest percentage were from foreign universities at 14.4% (267).
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Yeungnam University-Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education agrees on MOU [2008-9-2] <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_08636209836626869 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2008-11-17_09-58-37_341.jpg\" target=_blank> Yeungnam University (president Tong-Ki Woo) will put into full-force \'Dokdo Education\' together with the Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education (superintendent Cho Byeong-in). At 3pm on the 2nd, Yeungnam University and the provincial office of education agreed upon an MOU. The research performed at the Yeungnam University Dokdo Institute, which is a main policy research center designated by MEST promised to cooperate in providing these research to schools under the provincial office of education. For this, the two organizations agreed to promote not only education for a hightened sense of awareness for Dokdo among teachers and students, but also books and research program development for investigating marine environments, ecology and biologies, mutual use of facilities for Dokdo coastline development and for education on Dokdo. Meanwhile, the Yeungnam University Dokdo Institute will dispatch an academic investigation team to Dokdo from the 4th to the 6th. This team that will visit Dokdo aboard the \'Haemaji\', which is a boat possessed by the Pohang Marine Science High School, to investigate the Dokdo coastline marine environment and ecology, biological organisms found in Dokdo and basic studies for developing resources of Dokdo. In addition, this team is planning to hold a boat-top workshop on \'Dokdo and Marine Territory\' aboard the \'Haemaji\' on the 5th. This workshop is being held to display the marine pioneering spirit of Ahn Yong-bok and under the theme of \'Notifying the territorial rights of Dokdo\' it will be conducted in the order of Professor Kim Ho-dong\'s speech on \'Ahn Yong-bok and Dokdo\' and Professor Choi Chang-geun of Daegu University who will speak on \'the Difference of the issues of Japan\'s northern territories and Dokdo\'. Following this, on the theme of \'Dokdo\'s natural ecology and populating policy\', Dr. Kim Young-dae of the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute Resource Restoration Team will speak on the \'tides and chlorosis of the Dokdo coastline\', while Park Seon-ju, professor at Yeungnam University will speak of \'Source of Dokdo\'s plant life and preservation plans\' and Professor Cho Gye-hyeon of Yeungnam University will speak on \'establishing a scientific environment for populating Dokdo\'. Following these speeches, there will be a discussion session in which Lim Dong-ok professor at Honam University, Kim Mi-gyeong professor at the Yeungnam University Dokdo Institute, Lee Jae-weon researcher at the Dokdo Museum and Kim Yeong-sik professor at Andong University will participate in. Kim Hwa-gyeong (61, Department of Korean Language and Literature), chief of the Yeungnam University Dokdo Institute stated that \"We need to prove objectively and logically that Dokdo is Korean territory so Japan can never again make absurd claims.\" She also added that \"the government and academic sector will work together in order to show the world Korea\'s sovereignty over Dokdo.\"
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> “Please become the most successful Minister of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs…” Tong-Ki Woo, president of Yeungnam University and Yoon Dong-han, chairman of the Seoul Alumni Association of Yeungnam Univ. et al visits Jeon Jae-hee to congratulate for appointment to minister [2008-8-29] <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_01336096737420558 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2008-11-11_10-33-50_340.jpg\" target=_blank> In the afternoon of the 28th, Yeungnam University alumni directors including Tong-Ki Woo and Yoon Dong-han visited Jeon Jae-hee, minister of health, welfare and family affairs. This visit was to congratulate Minister Jeon, who is an alumni at Yeungnam University department of public administration, while also asking her to provide reliable health and welfare policies. Woo presented Minister Jeon with a congratulatory plaque and stated, \"We hope that you become the best model for public employees and the most reliable politician and take advantage of your experiences to become the most successful minister of health, welfare and family affairs in history.\" Minister Jeon replied, \"I know that I have a heavy responsibility, but I feel better with the encouragement from my fellow alumni.\" He also added, \"I will do all I can in health and welfare administration so that the entire nation can live happily.\" Meanwhile, Minister Jeon is famous for being the \'first\'. In 1968, she enrolled in the Yeungnam University department of public administration and became the \'first student\' of Yeungnam University, which was launched through the integration of Daegu University and Cheonggu University (1967). In 1973, she also became the \'first woman to pass the national public administration examinations\'. In 1994, she became the \'first female mayor appointed by the government\' and in 1995, she became the \'first female mayor to be voted into office\'. In the 16th National Assembly, she joined for proportional representation, but she resigned from this position and became a National Assembly woman from Gwangmyeong through by-elections. She won the district elections consecutively three times in this region and she held positions such as the Third Committee Chairman, Policy Committee Chairman and Head Committee Person for the Grand National Party. <Minister Jeon Jae-hee background> △Yeongcheon, Gyeongbuk △Daegu Girls\' High School △Yeungnam University Department of Public Administration △Korea University Graduate School of Labor △13th national public administration examination △Ministry of Labor Accident Compensation managerㆍFather and Daughter managerㆍWage and welfare managerㆍTraining and planning manager △Ministry of Labor director of labor insuranceㆍdirector of occupational training △10th and 12th mayor of Gwangmyeong in Gyeonggi △Grand National Party policy committee chairman △Head committee person for the Grand National Party △16∼18th National Assembly person
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- 2008. 10. 07
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